Wikipedia’s biased and misleading EFT entry!


Fixing Wikipedia’s “EFT” Article

Below is an article that Dr. Dawson Church wrote about Wikipedia’s biased and misleading EFT entry.

-Dawson Church
Author of The Genie in Your Genes
“Best Health Book” USA Book News

The history of science is littered with examples of technology driving discovery. Seventeenth century Dutch tradesman Anton von Leeuwenhoek was one of my teenage heroes. Leeuwenhoek perfected the art of grinding magnifying lenses, and began describing the curious microorganisms he saw through them. He began reporting his findings to the newly-formed Royal Society in England; his letters, translated into English, also contained painstaking drawings of the organisms he observed. While contemporary microscopes could magnify to only about 30x, Leeuwenhoek obsessively ground very fine lenses that could magnify an object by up to 200x.

Like Galileo and so many other pioneers, Leeuwenhoek’s discoveries were first greeted with hostile skepticism by many members of the Royal Society. This skepticism-whether it was the doctors of Vienna pillorying Ignaz Semmelweis for washing his hands between patients, or the Catholic Church forcing Galileo to repent his heretical view that the earth orbited the sun-has impeded the progress of science for centuries. This observation led German physicist Max Planck to remark that science progresses one funeral at a time. Existing “experts” cling to their outdated worldviews, and not till a new generation has displaced them is there a more open intellectual climate in which new ideas can thrive.

Unlike the leaps and bounds made by science since the Renaissance, the attitude of skeptics has remained rooted firmly in the anti-scientific superstition of the fourteenth century. If you’d like to read a comically embarrassing modern-day example, look up “EFT” on Wikipedia. Several years ago, a group of skeptics seized editorial control of most of the CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) pages on Wikipedia. The early articles were written mostly by experts in their fields. The skeptics deleted those articles, and wrote their own. They tag EFT and other therapies as “pseudoscience,” and whenever experts attempt to correct them, for instance by adding a description of a study newly published in a peer-reviewed journal, the skeptics suppress the amendment.

A popular misconception is that anyone can edit a Wikipedia page; in reality many entries are controlled by informal committees of editors, who can band together around a common philosophy, such as closed-minded hostility to CAM, or anti-scientific skepticism. These self-appointed gatekeepers can then dictate what goes on a page, depriving the public using the encyclopedia from reading authoritative, balanced and objective coverage of a topic, entries written by experienced and qualified experts.

With ignorance and skepticism wielding the editorial pen, the only study described in some detail in Wikipedia’s EFT article is a single very early study by Waite and Holder. This investigation is so flawed that it can be interpreted as either proving or disproving EFT. It was published in a fringe journal linked to another fringe publication, the Skeptical Inquirer.

Having demonstrated their worldview by tagging EFT as “pseudoscience” in the first section, how do they then deal with the inconvenient fact that there are more than 20 clinical trials showing EFTs efficacy? Their solution is to simply not mention them in the article. Since the data doesn’t support their prejudices, they ignore it. Wikipedia allows the reader to peer behind the entry to the history of additions and deletions to the article, and the skeptical editors are perfectly clear, in these discussions, about their worldview. When new studies are published in peer-reviewed medical or psychology journals, the editors state that they should not be included in the Wikipedia article, since this might lend credibility to EFT which in their eyes it does not have. They elevate their own opinions above the facts.

There is no mention in the Wikipedia article, or the behind-the-scenes discussions, of the standards for empirically validated therapies published by the APAs Division 12 Task Force. There is no reference to the evidence-based criteria embraced by the US government’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP), or any description of the randomized controlled trials that have demonstrated EFTs efficacy for PTSD, depression, pain, anxiety, phobias, and other conditions. None of the authors of the article seems to even be aware that such standards exist. None of the Wikipedia editors have any training or certification in EFT. They do not appear to have read the full copies any of the research published in peer-reviewed journals, and are certainly unable to interpret or explain a scientific paper. One of these gatekeepers calls EFT “claptrap,” and deletes references to balanced peer-reviewed papers in journals published by the American Psychological Association, in favor of the Waite and Holder study.

Having individuals who are not only ignorant, but hostile to scientific enquiry, write an encyclopedia entry on an evidence-based healing modality used by several million people, is like asking the Vatican to write the entry on birth control. You get an opinion, but you don’t get the facts. Imagine a decent encyclopedia, perhaps the Encyclopedia Brittanica, writing an article by assembling an editorial team with complete ignorance of the topic, hostility to the field, scientific illiteracy, and no relevant academic qualifications. If the article’s topic was the nature of the solar system, the team would contain not a single astronomer, physicist, or geologist, and every member would belong to the Flat Earth Society.

Absurd though it may seem, that’s how the Wikipedia entry for EFT is created. Wikipedia’s bias against natural and alternative medicine has been noted by several journalists. As comedian Tina Fey remarked, “When you’re contemplating open-heart surgery, imagine your reaction to a guy who says, ‘I don’t have any of those fancy degrees from Harvard Medical School. I’m just an unlicensed plumber with a dream. Now hand me the scalpel.” When Wikipedia articles are written by qualified experts, such as the entries for a method called Schema Therapy, or the entry for Emotionally Focused Therapy, they are excellent and informative.

Van Leeuwenhoek persisted despite the skepticism, and eventually began to correspond with Britain’s Royal Society, at that time the most prestigious association in the world for the advancement of scientific enquiry. Though he never wrote a book, he eventually exchanged hundreds of letters with members of the Royal Society. His curiousity was boundless, and he used his microscopes to examine organisms existing everywhere from ponds to human saliva. As the evidence mounted, the nonsensical superstitions of the skeptics were swept away, and van Leeuwenhoek gained a secure place in scientific history. In the same way, the fanciful mirages of the Wikipedia anti-scientists will soon be replaced with solid fact, and the public will gain a reliable source of information about EFT and other energy therapies in this very influential forum.

Dr. Dawson Church on EFT and Pain (Part 1)

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Dawson Church for my blog. Here is part one.

Dawson has written and edited over 200 books, including The Genie in Your Genes, and founded the Soul Medicin Institute which is at the forefront of research in Energy Medicina and Energy Psychology. It also runs several programmes helping veterans with PTSD.

In this interview you will find out more about how Dawson made the transition from Psychology to Energy Psychology. How and why EFT works especially when it comes to trauma and physical pain.

This is my first interview for my blog and even though it was a learning curve, I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to doing it more often, and gaining more experience.


Pain and the Brain


I specialise in chronic pain and injury – and am fascinated by the effects of EFT for pain.

I have watched and listened to many experts talking about and discussing pain. However, my quest for answers as to how EFT works, and why, are yet to be answered.

Due to this I have come up with my own theory, thanks to the work of Allan Basbaum, Dawson Church Ph.D, Dr. Moseley Dr. Butler, and David Feinstein Ph.D.

In this video Allan Basbaum explains that the brain has it’s own pain relieving system. This happens when endorphins are released, as they are a pain relieving substance.

Now, this fits in with research that Harvard Medical School have done on EFT. They say that EFT reduces blood flow to the Amygdala, RELEASES ENDORPHINS, and increases GABA waves.

In my mind this is the first part of the theory as to how EFT for pain works.

The second part of the theory is that EFT cannot be a placebo. There are several reason for this. Firstly, Allan states that children are immune to placebo’s.  EFT works just as well with children as it does adults. Secondly, nobody that I have EVER worked with (using EFT) has EVER had any belief in it whatsoever. I mean come on …. it’s looks totally bonkers … and generally people feel quite uncomfortable on first trying it (at least the clients that i attract, anyway).

Allan also talks about how pain can change when perceptions are changed, when the brain is manipulated.

Dr. David Feinstein explains this further with the following quote:

“neuroscientists have demonstrated that every memory is encoded in the brain with an emotional charge. This charge creates a neural pathway to signal an appropriate physiological response when you are reminded of the experience, or encounter a similar one. These neural pathways were once protective – a swift fight or flight reaction to an encounter with a lion could keep you alive – the trouble is the brain can’t differentiate between a lion and a modern stressor like a computer crash, so innocuous situations end up being encoded in the brain as dangerous. Tapping (EFT) can help rewire these neural pathways”.

Clinical Psychologist Fred P. Gallo Ph.D says “whenever you think about a stressful experience, the brain activates an alarm response in the Amygdala, the part of the limbic system that governs our emotions, and stimulating acupressure points reduces arousal in the Amygdala. These opposing signals quickly communicate to the brain that there is no danger and reprogram the circuitry so the trigger no longer evokes anxiety, fear or other negative emotions.”

I am interviewing Dawson Church this evening where I will be asking lots of questions about EFT and how EFT for pain works.

Enjoy xx

How to rewire your brain with EFT!


Dawson Church Ph.D, talks about how you can rewire your brain using EFT.

Dawson has carried out many studies and trials which have really helped in proving the efficacy of EFT. If you are interested in reading some of them you can do so by clicking on this link

I am really excited about the 6th August as I am going to be interviewing him for my blog.

I have many questions about what is happening, in the mind and body, when using EFT for pain. I am also interested in finding out more about his lates book called The Genie in Your Genes which links ‘consciousness and genetic change’.

Exciting times for me right now.